Why is it so hard to be healthy?
We are setting a precedent and a standard for our lives that CANNOT be normalized. We can’t normalize dysfunction. We can’t normalize disconnection. We can’t normalize abnormal development in our kids.
We are setting a precedent and a standard for our lives that CANNOT be normalized. We can’t normalize dysfunction. We can’t normalize disconnection. We can’t normalize abnormal development in our kids.
It used to be believed that our nerve system and our immune system were separate systems working independently of one another. The nerve system controlled the body while the immune system protected it.
We now know that is not the case. The nerve system coordinates the functions of the body working in harmony with the immune system.
One of the most common issues I see in my office with patients is disc degeneration.
Essentially, disc degeneration is when the material in between the bones of the spine breakdown. This can lead to thinning, brittle, and less resilient or adaptable tissues in the spine. As you can imagine, this is not a good thing. Especially if you want to age gracefully.