
If you are looking for a solution to your scoliosis, let us help you

Chiropractic for Scoliosis

Do you or your child suffer from a head tilt, poor posture, uneven shoulder or hip height, protrusion of the rib cage on one side, or an imbalance when trying to stand straight? If so, you may have scoliosis.

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. While the cause of most cases of scoliosis are unknown (idiopathic), many can benefit from neurostructural chiropractic care.

If caught early enough, we can usually see improvement and/or stabilization of the curve. If caught later, we can usually stabilize and keep from worsening.

The key with scoliosis is to make sure that the spine is strong and healthy, no matter what the degree of the curvature is. A strong and healthy spine will lead to a strong and healthy person.

Why Choose Precision Chiropractic?

At Precision Chiropractic, we perform a thorough examination to determine the exact degree of the scoliosis and alignment of the spinal structure. If it’s something we can help you with, we would then go through our exact chiropractic protocol to correct your alignment and get you or your child on the path to better health.

We proudly serve the amazing people in Charlotte, Matthews, Weddington, Ballantyne, Waxhaw, and the surrounding areas.

Before seeing Dr. Matthew, I had several complaints. First and foremost, I had lower and middle back pain especially while standing for more than an hour, cooking and doing household cleaning. I was very lethargic, tired and sleepy in the afternoons. I have had an S-scoliosis very early on since I was a child, but it was discovered only at the age of 13. This caused me to have a noticeable uneven posture. I also had lumbar pain as an adult, especially after giving birth and during my periods. I was very sensitive and highly emotional. I worried a lot and had negative thoughts that would come and go. Overall, I was uptight and not relaxed when faced with difficult situations and became easily agitated.

The first session of adjustment resulted in a very deep, relaxed state of sleep. I feel more positive as far as my outlook on life. I no longer have back pain. I am able to take long walks in nature, cook for a long time and sit in front of the TV pain-free. I am very relaxed throughout the day. I take things with a pinch of salt. My mood swings are less now. Into my 12th session, I have mental clarity and better focus on simple tasks such as reading. Rather than placing others’ needs first, I can say that I am more able to look at myself and detect what needs of mine must be taken care without any guilt!

– Aida T.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine greater than 10 degrees along the coronal plane. From front to back, your spine should be straight. When there is a curvature from left to right greater than 10 degrees, it is considered a scoliosis. Most cases of scoliosis are what are known as idiopathic – meaning there is no known cause. There are many types of scoliosis but it is easier to categorize a scoliosis as functional or structural.

What is the difference between a function and structural scoliosis?

A functional scoliosis is due to an abnormal shift in the spine or some other neurological imbalance. Many times these can be improved with structural corrective chiropractic care. A structural scoliosis is due to congenital anomalies like wedged vertebrae or an anatomical short leg. Even if the scoliosis cannot be corrected completely, corrective chiropractic adjustments can have a profound benefit on the function of the spine and health of the body.

an I still be healthy with a scoliosis?

Absolutely. Unfortunately, a scoliosis can be unsightly and cause visceral and somatic issues like pain and discomfort, but with corrective chiropractic care, we have helps dozens and dozens of people with scoliosis lead a healthy and happy life. In many cases, we have been able to help reduce the curvature and in others we have been able to deploy strategies to maximize the integrity and strength of the spine so it was more adaptable with the scoliosis.

Do I need surgery or bracing for my scoliosis?

In many cases you do NOT need bracing or surgery. There are some situations where surgery and bracing is warranted, but many times we can correct the structural of the spine and restore proper biomechanics which help people avoid bracing and surgery and get their life back. We would be happy to schedule a complimentary consultation to determine if our office is the right fit for you and your family.

Schedule a complimentary consultation

We will always start with a complimentary consultation so that we can learn about your condition and so you can learn about our unique style of Structural Correction and how it can have a significant impact on your life and overall health.

  • North Carolina’s premier Structural Chiropractor
  • Elite customer service
  • Complimentary consultation
  • Community health & wellness resource

(980) 202-2890